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The Therapist

James Besaw LMBWT

Life Designs is owned by licensed massage and bodywork therapist James S. Besaw. James has been involved in massage and bodywork since 1988. He works in five different types of massage: relaxation, performance, medical, energy and educational. Sessions are tailored to your needs and include all the techniques he has learned over the years so that you, the client, may enjoy the most benefit.

A message from the therapist:

The focus of this work is to provide a health resource for people to enhance their daily lives. The services are provided with the utmost respect for you as an individual and a sincere desire that your personal well being, joy and success in life are expanded.

I am richly blessed and have enjoyed celebrating with many of my clients their improved health, happiness and accomplishments through this work. There is much good to be done in this profession and I am honored to be a part of it.

Yours, for the good in all of us, Jim